The first of the V-Belts to enter the power transmissions scenario. The continued efforts of PIX has enables to achieve the power ratings considerably higher than most others available in the market. The compounds used to build up these belts are well chosen to match the stipulated power ratings thus offering distinct advantages regarding the increased factor of safety on critical drives. The standards follow by PIX has put the tolerances to be much more stringent than BS 3790, which forms the basis of PIX Classical Belts.
- Top width to height ratio: 1.6:1
- Temperature range: -18°C to +80°C
- Maximum recommended belt speed is 30m/sec
- Permissible flex rate f=80 per second
- Antistatic, Oil and heat Resistant
Primarily used as replacement on industrial drives. The classical belts are recommended in special applications such as V-flat drives. In the same manner these belts are advantageous where reverse idlers have to be used, because of smaller heights.
PIX manufacturer the entire range of Classical V-Belts. The nominal length designation for these belts is inside length in inches. Range A & B Section C,D & E Section Classical Belt Dimensions